COVID-19 has disrupted almost every aspect of daily life. Schools have closed, grocery stores are selling out, businesses are insisting employees work remotely. And the disposable becomes the easiest (and arguably best) way to stay hygienic -- it’s hard to stay sustainable. It’s hard to even see how being sustainable is an option! But, there are still some ways that you can keep the environment in mind while taking care of yourself and your loved ones.
Invest in natural-ingredient cleaning and paper products
Look for and try to buy natural cleaning products. They work just as well as the chemical name brands, and are better for you and your house to begin with. Some good places to start are Blueland, Seventh Generation, Cleancult, or method. (Grove Collaborative is a great place to start if you are exploring. They are a one stop shop for all natural cleaning products). The same goes for laundry detergent, toothpaste, and soap.
If natural cleaning products are not for you, paper products (paper towels, tissues, toilet paper) made from recycled paper or paper-alternatives are a great place to start! You can check out Seventh Generation , Who Gives a Crap, or Caboo.
Turn the lights on, only in the room that you are in
It's a best practice to turn the lights off when you leave a room at home, and the same goes for social distancing time at home! This is a quick and easy way to reduce your energy usage (and your energy bill).
Leave your shoes at the door
This way, you don’t "bring the outside in", which is beneficial not only for hygiene, but also for cleaning. When you do bring the outside in, you have to clean more often. More cleaning means more resources used and waste produced (ex. from a Swifer) or more electricity and energy used (ex. from vacuuming). So if you can maintain a regular cleaning cadence, and only clean at that cadence, it'll help keep your waste production down.
Avoid planes
This has become a given, and it is GREAT for the environment! Airplanes emit a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change. Although some airlines have carbon offset programs, usually a passenger has to opt-in to participate. So if you had to cancel a trip, at least you're helping the planet.
Figure out how to master work from home, and advocate to keep those practices
Calling into meetings instead of physically traveling to them, using reusable cups and cutlery you already have at home, maintaining a work-life balance — these are all sustainable practices that you should not reserve for epidemics. When COVID-19 is under control again, consider continuing video conferencing for meetings, or bringing your own cutlery to the office. And advocate for yourself and for your peers to keep these practices going!
There is also an aspect to sustainability that is taking care of yourself and the ones close to you. For those no longer commuting, it's easier to maintain a work-life balance because you can sleep in a little more, or take a longer lunch break. If you've found that these changes contribute positively to your life, keep them going when you're back in the office. Communicate with your coworkers and managers about your working hours and lunch breaks.
For those who are paid hourly, research how other companies are supporting hourly workers and advocate for your company to do the same. A place to start.
Shop local
When you run out of something at home, or need to get food, try to walk somewhere local. Shopping locally gives back to your community, and requires less energy for every step of the shopping process!
And for tips on water reduction, check out this post